I am starting my own glossary of finance related terms that you will hear at some point
(if you have any suggestions or would like to help please comment below or email me at traderspectacle@gmail.com)
BRIC - Acronym used to group 4 countries that are all in similar state of advanced economic development. Usually used when discussing international economics. BRIC stands for Brazil . Russia . India . China .
Call Option - A financial contract between 2 parties (the buyer and seller). The buyer has the right but not the duty to buy an agreed quantity of a particular commodity or security from the seller at a certain time (experiation date) for a certain price (the strike). The seller is obligated to sell the commodity or security if the buyer decides due to the buyer paying a fee (premium) for this right.
Put Option - A financial contract between 2 parties (the buyer and seller). The buyer has the right but not the duty to sell an agreed quantity of a particular commodity or security from the seller at a certain time (expiration date) for a certain price (the strike). The seller of a put option is obligated to buy the commodity or security if the buyer decides due to the buyer paying a fee (premium) for this right.
I always wondered what those 'options' meant. Thanks!